If you’ve ever woken up not feeling your best after consuming weed the night before? Maybe you’ve felt nauseous, had a headache, or even still felt high? If so, you may have experienced a weed hangover.

Here’s what you need to know about weed hangovers and if you can prevent them.

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What Is a Weed Hangover?

While proponents of weed often point out that, unlike alcohol, weed doesn’t cause a hangover, we now know that this is not quite the case. 

The scientific information on weed hangovers is limited at this time, there have been enough reported hangovers to prompt research. There is also enough anecdotal evidence or evidence from people who have had to deal with a weed hangover and told their stories, to give us a good idea about the common symptoms, effects, and how to address these. 

Why do I still feel high the day after smoking?

Cannabis, or weed, contains a compound called THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol which causes users to feel “high.” Studies demonstrate that some weed users do feel the effects the next day, but researchers are still studying THC to understand exactly how it can interact with our bodies.

 However, scientists have a few ideas; one current theory suggests that, as with other substances, overconsumption is the most likely cause of feeling high after smoking. If you consume too much THC, your body will need more time to fully clear the compound, and its effects, from your system. A similar theory points out that tolerance levels for THC vary from person to person so, if you are new to smoking, you may simply be consuming more than your body can handle at one time. 

How To Get Rid of a Weed Hangover

Weed hangovers are unpleasant, but, fortunately, there are ways to help you manage the symptoms.

How to treat nausea from a weed hangover

There are several ways you can relieve nausea. This includes medications that can settle your stomach such as Pepto Bismol as well as homeopathic methods such as: 

  • Resting

  • Sipping clear, cool liquids- especially water 

  • Chewing on ginger or mint

  • Controlling your breathing 

  • Try some peppermint or citrus aromatherapy

  • Sip on ginger or chamomile tea to calm your stomach

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How to treat a weed hangover headache

If you are suffering from a weed-induced headache, consider using a few general headache remedies such as: 

  • Over the counter pain relieving medication like Tylenol or Advil 

  • Taking a shower to refresh yourself

  • Drinking a cup of tea or coffee

  • Hydrating with plenty of water

  • Getting a bit of extra rest

How long do cannabis hangovers last?

The duration of cannabis hangovers varies from person to person. If you are active in treating your symptoms, make sure that you are able 

How Do I Know If This Is a Weed Hangover?

If you’ve never experienced a weed hangover, you might not know whether you are feeling a certain way due to the weed or another factor. The first step is to account for other substances that you may have taken along with the weed. For instance, if you are smoking weed and drinking alcohol, or consuming other drugs, you may be experiencing symptoms that are not directly related to weed, but rather to something else that you consumed. 

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Potential Effects

There are several reported effects of a weed hangover including: 

  • Feeling lethargic

  • Feeling “high” the next day or a feeling of brain fog

  • Dry eyes and mouth

  • Mild nausea 

Other Effects

While some symptoms have been reported across many weed hangover stories, you might experience something else entirely or, like many weed users, you may not experience a hangover at all. If you are experiencing odd symptoms that do not seem like a hangover consider three scenarios:


An Underreported Symptom: The symptoms that we know about right now are based on reports of individuals who have taken the time to report their symptoms. You may experience a symptom that has not been reported as often, or at all.


An Unrelated Symptom: It is possible that your symptoms are not due to weed but to something else entirely. If your symptoms last for several days and don’t abate despite the fact that you are not smoking, there may be another cause.


Withdrawal Not Hangover: If you smoke on a regular basis and have stopped, you might be experiencing withdrawal rather than a hangover. Symptoms of withdrawal from weed begin to manifest between six and twenty-four hours after you’ve last smoked and can include sweaty palms, difficulty falling asleep, anxiety, and restlessness. 

Furthermore, if you were drinking or consuming other drugs, you can expect to have more severe hangover symptoms due to the increased rate of dehydration.

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Weed Hangovers Vs. Alcohol Hangovers

Weed and alcohol hangovers do share some symptoms but, in general, alcohol hangovers are more common, and more severe, compared to weed hangovers. Typical symptoms of an alcohol hangover include headache, nausea, dehydration, and low energy- many of which are reported as weed hangover symptoms.


If you are consuming alcohol and smoking at the same time, there may be no way to distinguish whether the alcohol or the weed is causing the symptoms. However, if you are only smoking and not drinking, but still waking up with symptoms the next day, you can eliminate alcohol as a potential cause.

Symptoms of Weed Hangovers

In addition to the lingering high, there are several reported symptoms of a weed hangover including:


Some people who report experiencing a weed hangover, report feeling nausea the day after they smoke weed. However, there is no specific explanation as to why this happens. One possible explanation is that people often drink and smoke at the same time and the nausea is actually a symptom of overconsuming alcohol, not weed. Alternatively, nausea may be related to eating poorly or overeating while smoking weed.  


Headaches are another commonly-reported symptom of a weed hangover. This is ironic because studies have shown that cannabis can be used to help reduce migraines. Some theories to explain weed-hangover-related headaches focus on the possibility that these are actually due to dehydration or poor nutrition.


Weed alone will not dehydrate you, but it will cause the feeling of dry mouth, better known as cottonmouth- especially if you are smoking. If you are waking up with a dry mouth after smoking weed, it's never a bad idea to drink a bit more water throughout the day. Keep in mind that too much water, over three liters for some people, can disrupt your electrolyte balance, so you don't want to overdo hydration.

How To Prevent a Weed Hangover

The best way to prevent a weed hangover is to either avoid weed altogether or to consume responsibly. If you are experiencing weed hangovers, take a look at how much you are smoking and what else you’re doing that day. Are you consuming a lot of alcohol as you smoke? Are you staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet? All of these can contribute to a weed hangover.


Another tip for preventing weed hangovers is to take a look at your method of consumption. Smoking weed tends to lead to fewer hangovers because it will clear your system faster. On the other hand, edibles may take a longer time to metabolize, thus leading you to experience part of your high the next day. 

Finally, your risk of a weed hangover may be increased if you are consuming poorly made or poor-quality weed products. This is why you should ensure that your cannabis products are sold by a qualified manufacturer who can promise and deliver good quality. 

A Quick Review of Weed Hangovers

Weed hangovers are no fun, but, based on reported feedback from quite a few people, they do happen. The typically reported symptoms of a weed hangover include nausea, headache, or feeling high the next day. However, because there is not a lot of research available about weed hangovers yet, you might find that you experience different symptoms.


If you think that you may have a weed hangover or are simply feeling crummy after smoking weed the night before, consider retracing your steps; if you're drinking a lot while you smoke, the hangover might be due to alcohol, which can produce similar symptoms in some people.  

There are also many ways to help alleviate the symptoms of your weed hangover. These include additional rest, sipping cool water, taking a shower, eating a good meal, or even taking over-the-counter medications to relieve your nausea or headache. 

When consuming any cannabis product, be mindful of the amounts that you consume to ensure that you aren't waking up with hangover symptoms or an unwanted high the next day. Likewise, you'll want to be careful when crossfading or consuming alcohol and other drugs along with cannabis products because this increases the chances of a hangover.  

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