Fireworks are a common part of celebrations, especially during the Fourth of July. While these displays of light and sound can be thrilling for humans, they often cause significant stress and anxiety for our pets. Dogs and cats, in particular, can become highly anxious during fireworks, leading to behaviors like hiding, shaking, barking, or even trying to escape. As pet owners, it's heartbreaking to see our furry friends in distress. Fortunately, there is a natural remedy that may help alleviate this anxiety: CBD. In this article, we will explore how CBD can help pets with firework anxiety, understand how it works, and discuss the best ways to use it for your pet's well-being.


Pets, particularly dogs and cats, can experience heightened anxiety and stress during fireworks due to their sensitive hearing and unfamiliarity with loud, sudden noises. Understanding the signs of anxiety and stress in pets is crucial for providing timely and effective support.

Signs of Anxiety and Stress in Pets:

Behavioral Changes: Look for behaviors such as trembling, shaking, excessive barking, whining, hiding, or attempting to escape. These behaviors indicate that your pet is feeling threatened or overwhelmed by the noise and lights of fireworks. Trembling and shaking are common reactions to fear, while excessive barking or whining can be signs of distress. Hiding or attempting to escape shows that your pet is trying to find a safe place away from the perceived threat.

Physical Symptoms: Panting, drooling, dilated pupils, and a rapid heartbeat are common physical signs of stress. Panting and drooling can indicate that your pet is overheating due to anxiety, while dilated pupils reflect heightened alertness and fear. A rapid heartbeat is a physiological response to stress, preparing the body for a fight-or-flight reaction.

Destructive Actions: Chewing on furniture, scratching doors, or other destructive behaviors may indicate that your pet is trying to cope with anxiety. Destructive actions can be a pet's way of releasing pent-up energy and frustration caused by their inability to escape the stressful environment. These behaviors can also result from attempts to create a feeling of safety or distract themselves from the anxiety-inducing situation.

Changes in Appetite: Some pets may refuse to eat or drink when they are anxious. Loss of appetite is a common response to stress, as the body's focus shifts away from digestion and towards dealing with the perceived threat. In some cases, pets might also overeat or seek comfort food as a coping mechanism.

BATCH CBD Pet Tincture

Keeping Pets Calm And Secure During Fireworks

Fireworks, while spectacular for humans, can be a source of stress and fear for our pets. To ensure your furry friends feel safe and secure during these loud celebrations, it's important to prepare in advance and provide a comforting environment. Here are some effective strategies to help your pet navigate the noise and disruption of fireworks:

Create A Safe Space: Identify a quiet room in your home where your pet can escape the chaos of fireworks. This room should be away from external walls if possible, and window treatments like heavy curtains or shades can help muffle the sound. Make the space cozy with their bed and familiar items to make it feel secure and inviting.

Soundproofing: Minimizing the noise of fireworks can significantly reduce your pet's stress. You can cover windows with heavy curtains, blankets, or even special acoustic panels. Playing calming music, nature sounds, or white noise at a comfortable volume can also help drown out the disturbing sounds of fireworks.

Comfort Items: Enhance the chosen safe space with comfort items such as your pet's favorite toys, a well-loved blanket, or their regular bed. The familiar scents and objects can provide a sense of stability and safety. Pets often seek comfort in known items when stressed, so these familiar objects can be very soothing.

Distract & Occupy: Engaging your pet with treats or toys can be a great diversion from the noise. Puzzle toys that dispense treats gradually or chew toys that are safe and long-lasting can keep them busy and mentally engaged. This strategy helps redirect their focus from the scary noises to something enjoyable and rewarding.

Stay Close: Your companionship during stressful times can be immensely comforting to your pet. By staying calm and providing gentle reassurance, you help them feel safer. If you must leave them alone, consider leaving an item with your scent, such as a worn shirt, which can offer comfort in your absence.

Consult A Veterinarian About CBD

CBD is known for its potential calming effects in animals. Before administering any CBD products, consult with your veterinarian to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your pet. They can recommend specific products and advise on the correct dosage based on your pet’s size, age, and health condition, ensuring the treatment is both safe and effective.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, another compound found in cannabis, CBD does not produce a "high" and is non-psychoactive. Instead, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) present in both humans and animals. The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes, including mood, pain sensation, appetite, and immune response.

Receptor Interaction: The ECS consists of receptors (CB1 and CB2) spread throughout the body. CB1 receptors are primarily found in the brain and central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are more common in the peripheral organs and immune system. CBD interacts with these receptors, indirectly influencing their activity to help maintain balance (homeostasis) within the body. This interaction supports the regulation of mood, pain, and immune responses, contributing to overall well-being.

Anxiolytic Effects: CBD has been shown to have anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) properties. It can help calm the nervous system by influencing the activity of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which plays a role in mood regulation. By enhancing serotonin activity, CBD can promote a sense of calm and reduce feelings of anxiety, making it particularly beneficial for pets during stressful situations like fireworks. Additionally, CBD's interaction with GABA receptors may further help in calming anxiety responses.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: CBD also has anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce physical symptoms of stress and anxiety, such as muscle tension and digestive issues. Inflammation is often a response to stress, and by reducing it, CBD helps alleviate discomfort and promotes relaxation. This makes CBD useful not only for anxiety but also for conditions that cause chronic pain or discomfort in pets, enhancing their overall quality of life.

It's important to note that while CBD shows promise for anxiety relief in pets, scientific research on its specific effects and optimal dosage is still limited. However, anecdotal evidence from pet owners and preliminary studies suggest its potential as a natural option for managing anxiety in pets.


Determining the correct dosage of CBD for your pet is crucial to ensure its effectiveness and safety. Here are some guidelines to help you find the right dose for your pet:

Understand Your Pet’s Needs: Each pet is unique, and their CBD needs can vary based on factors such as size, weight, age, and the severity of their anxiety. Observing your pet's behavior and consulting with a veterinarian can help you determine their specific needs. For instance, a small, older dog with mild anxiety may require a different dosage than a large, young dog with severe anxiety. Tailoring the dose to your pet's individual characteristics ensures they receive the most effective relief.

Start With A Low Dose: It's always best to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you find the optimal amount. This approach helps you monitor how your pet responds to CBD and minimizes the risk of any potential side effects. Starting low and slow allows you to find the minimal effective dose that alleviates your pet's anxiety without causing undue drowsiness or other issues. Incremental adjustments give you control over finding the precise dose that works for your pet.

Follow Product Guidelines: Most CBD products come with dosage recommendations based on the pet's weight. It's important to follow these guidelines and adjust as needed. Typically, the dosage is calculated in milligrams of CBD per pound of body weight. BATCH offers three different pet oil concentrations tailored to various needs:

  • Small (10-25 lbs) - 375mg CBD: Ideal for small pets, this concentration provides a gentle introduction to CBD, perfect for pets with mild to moderate anxiety. For example, a small dog weighing around 15 pounds might start with a dose of 2-4mg of CBD.

  • Medium (25-50 lbs) - 750mg CBD: Suitable for medium-sized pets, this concentration offers a stronger dose to address moderate anxiety levels. A dog weighing 35 pounds may benefit from a dose of 5-10mg of CBD, helping to alleviate stress more effectively.

  • Large (50+ lbs) - 1500mg CBD: Best for large pets or those with severe anxiety, this high concentration ensures that even larger dogs receive an adequate dose. For instance, a large dog weighing 70 pounds might require 10-20mg of CBD to manage their anxiety effectively.

Monitor and Adjust: After administering CBD, closely observe your pet's behavior and adjust the dosage if necessary. Signs that the dosage is effective include reduced anxiety, increased relaxation, and improved overall mood. If you notice that your pet is still anxious or displaying stress-related behaviors, you may need to slightly increase the dose. Conversely, if your pet becomes overly sedated, reduce the dose to find a more suitable balance.

Consult With Your Veterinarian: For personalized advice, especially if your pet has underlying health conditions or is taking other medications, consulting with a veterinarian is essential. They can provide guidance on the appropriate dosage and any potential interactions. Veterinarians can also help you understand the nuances of using CBD for specific health issues beyond anxiety, ensuring your pet's overall health and safety.

Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It's crucial to monitor your dog's response, seek professional advice, and make dosage adjustments as needed. By finding the appropriate CBD dosage and administering it correctly, you can optimize the potential benefits and help your dog manage anxiety and stress effectively.

Note: The information provided here is for general guidance only. Consulting with a veterinarian is crucial for personalized dosage recommendations and to address any specific health concerns your dog may have.

BATCH CBD Pet Treats


Administering CBD to pets can be straightforward, thanks to the variety of products available. Here are some effective methods to give your pet CBD, ensuring they receive the benefits without any fuss:

CBD Oil Tinctures: CBD oil tinctures are one of the most popular methods. They come with a dropper, making it easy to measure and administer the correct dose. Here’s how to use them:

  • Direct Oral Application: Place the drops directly into your pet’s mouth, ideally under the tongue for faster absorption.

  • Mix with Food: If your pet is hesitant, mix the CBD oil with their food or a treat to mask the taste.

CBD Treats: CBD-infused treats are a convenient and palatable option, especially for dogs. They come in various flavors that pets love, making it easy to incorporate CBD into their routine. Simply give them the treat as you would any other snack.

Tips for Picky Pets:

  • Flavor Enhancement: Choose CBD products with flavors your pet enjoys, such as bacon, chicken, salmon or peanut butter for dogs.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise and other treats they already love, to make the experience more pleasant for your pet.

By exploring these different methods, pet owners can find the best way to administer CBD to their pets, ensuring they receive the anxiety-relieving benefits during fireworks and other stressful events.

The Bottom Line

Fireworks can be a source of significant stress and anxiety for pets, particularly during celebrations like the Fourth of July. Fortunately, CBD offers a natural and effective remedy to help pets cope with these anxiety-inducing events. By understanding how CBD works, recognizing the signs of anxiety, and using the right dosage, pet owners can provide much-needed relief for their furry friends.

In addition to CBD, incorporating other calming remedies and behavioral techniques can further enhance your pet's ability to handle stressful situations. Creating a comprehensive plan that includes a quiet space, physical comfort, calming CBD products and consistent routines can significantly improve your pet's overall well-being.

Remember, the key to success is observation and adaptation. Each pet is unique, and finding the right combination of remedies will require patience and careful monitoring. Always consult with your veterinarian before starting any new treatment to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your pet.


  1. Landa, L., Trojan, V., Demlova, R., Jurica, J., & Hrib, R. (2022). Cannabidiol and the possibilities of its use in veterinary medicine of dogs and horses: A brief review. Veterinární Medicína, 67(No. 9), 455–462.
  2. Hunt, A. B. G., Flint, H. E., Logan, D. W., & King, T. (2023). A single dose of cannabidiol (CBD) positively influences measures of stress in dogs during separation and car travel. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10.
  3. Bradley, S., Young, S., Bakke, A. M., Holcombe, L., Waller, D., Hunt, A., Pinfold, K., Watson, P., & Logan, D. W. (2022). Long-term daily feeding of cannabidiol is well-tolerated by healthy dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9.

June 25, 2024 — Griffin Lynch

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